
Before Service

Each Sunday the A/V team should be given an Order of Service sheet, which is a piece of paper with all the details of what will take place during that Sunday’s service. This may involve worship, announcements, a message, videos, and more.
Arrive around 8:00 to get everything prepared and set up!

1) Set Up

Video Room
Shiloh Café (downstairs)

2) Quality Check

Check Screen Output (sound booth)
Check For Videos (sound booth)
At 9:00a all parties involved in the Sunday service have a meeting (including the worship team, A/V team, sound engineer, anyone speaking or preaching, and the video team). This usually takes place in the sanctuary in front of the stage.

3) Get Service Started!

Start Live Stream at 9:25 (five minute countdown)
Unmute For 60-Sec Countdown

Related Pages

During Service👋After Service🎥Video/Livestream Overview