
Using it during Kids Camp


  1. Download a new CSV file from the Kids Camp event in Planning Center. (Make sure all attendees are assigned to a group on the Assignments tab first)
  2. image
  3. Open the file and copy the entire sheet. (Click in the top-left corner or ctrl + a on Windows/cmd + a on Mac to highlight all)
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  5. Open Master Spreadsheet to tab Source from PCO, delete all cell data, paste copied data into cell A1
  6. The Master Spreadsheet does NOT play nice with Google Docs. It’s super important to open it only in Excel, not in Google Drive. Either access the copy synced to your computer files or download a copy to your computer. If when opened in Excel the file says it needs to be repaired, that means someone at some point opened it in Google Sheets and broke it. You’ll need to restore a previous copy of it, either from the Google Drive version history or copy it from a previous year’s Kids Camp folder.
  7. In the Source from PCO tab, do a find and replace for " - * - *" and replace with nothing. (Exact input string is “space, hyphen, space, asterisk, space, hyphen, space, asterisk”) Highlight the Assignments column before performing the replace to limit it to that column and avoid any unwanted cells. This will remove crew leader names and crew colors from the Assignments column so only the Crew number remains in format of “Crew #”. After clicking Replace All once the Preschool crews will still have crew leader names in them. To another Replace All with input string of “ - *” (space, hyphen, space, asterisk).
  8. image
  1. Use a Find & Replace to remove Preschool disclaimer from Grade question column if present (find " (must be at least 4yrs old)" and replace with nothing)
  2. Confirm that all Medical notes from column AS are also in column H. There are two columns that may have Med Notes. Column H is the person’s profile field, while column AS is the question asked during registration. Any Med Notes in column AS need to be copied to column H or they won’t display on Crew Sheets/Rosters/Etc. You can’t simply copy the whole column from one to another, as they may be existing notes in column H that weren’t provided in column AS. There shouldn’t be many, so you can filter rows to those that have notes in column AS and check/copy them each to H. Hiding columns between these two columns makes this much easier. Be sure to unhide when finished.
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  4. Do a Custom Sort on Source from PCO tab by column BJ 'Assignment Area: Crews' and then by column C 'Last Name' then column B 'First Name'
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    Print List

    Crew Sheets - 1 Color, 3 B&W - Single Sided
    Crew Attendance lists – cut and put on crew boxes
    6 Alpha Lists (1 for Greg, 5 for Cat) {Day 1 = 3 total; none for Greg}
    2 Nurse lists (1 for nurse, 1 for Cat)
    Allergy List to Meg
    Blank registration forms, if needed
    Crew Sheets (Master)
    Single sided
    Crew Sheets
    Single sided
    Crew Attendance lists
    Single sided, cut
    Alpha List
    Single sided
    Details & Contact List
    2-sided, flip on long edge
    Allergy List
    Single sided
    Blank Reg Forms