Upload Sunday Messages

Upload Sunday Messages

Last Updated: March 15, 2021

Permission level: Staff

Table of Contents

1) Log in to Nucleus.church

  1. Go to nucleus.church/admin/sermons and log in
  2. Be sure you're in Sermons; click on the Sermons tab near the top left

2) Create a New Sermon

  1. Click on the Create New Sermon button near the top right
  2. If message is not part of a series, only enter the title. If it is part of a series, include the series name in the following format: Message Title (Series Name - Pt. 1)
  3. Description is required, so if not part of a series enter the speaker's name. If part of a series enter: Part 1 of our 'Series' series
  4. Choose speaker name or type to add new name
  5. Set publish date to date of message and time to 8:30a

3) Get YouTube Video Link

  1. Go to the Shiloh Youtube Channel
  2. Select Past Live Streams and get the link to this Sunday’s stream.
  3. Paste in the Video Link field
  4. Skip the video artwork for now, we'll come back and upload all the artwork at once

4) Download Audio File

  1. In another tab, go to (off-site link) or (on-site link)
  2. Open the most recent folder
  3. Click to download the latest file. Download will begin automatically. If Quicktime player starts you can close it.
  4. Once the file is downloaded, you can close this tab

5) Upload Audio File

  1. Go back to Nucleus and click on Choose File to Upload under Audio File
  2. Select the file you just downloaded and wait for the upload to finish
  3. Select the Add to Podcast option that appears when upload is complete

6) Upload All Artwork

Now we'll go back and upload all the artwork. Series graphics can be found in Google Drive/1-Office/Graphics/Message Slides.

  1. Go up to Video Artwork and click Choose Image to Upload
  2. If this is a one-off message, upload the Shiloh logo slide. If part of a series, upload the series title graphic.
  3. Go to Audio Artwork and click Choose Image to Upload
  4. If this is a one-off message, upload the Shiloh podcast graphic. If part of a series, upload the series podcast graphic (this will be a square version specifically for the podcast feed).
  5. Just under that is Header Background Image. Click Choose Image to Upload.
  6. If this is a one-off message, upload this image. If part of a series, upload the "blank" version of the series graphics. This is the same one used as the background for the PowerPoint slides.

7) Upload Message Slides

  1. In another tab, open our Dropbox account and find the folder for this Sunday's date. In it you will find the PowerPoint file with the message slides.
  2. Download a copy of the PPT file. Once downloaded, you can close this tab
  3. Back in Nucleus, click Add an Attachment and upload the PowerPoint file.

8) Final Details

  1. If this is part of a series, select the series name from the Playlists dropdown. If this is the first message in the series and you haven't created a playlist yet, do that after finishing and saving the message, then come back to add it.
  2. Set Visibility to Public
  3. Change Publish date or time only if needed

9) Save

  1. Don't forget to Save & Publish when you're done! If you're not done yet but need to navigate away from this page, you can Save Draft.

Creating a new playlist

  1. From the left side menu, click Add New under Playlists
  2. Add the series title and the main series graphic. Description can be left blank.
  3. Set Visibility to Public and hit Save & Continue
  4. After saving, you can choose episodes to add. Be sure to put them in ascending order.
  5. When finished, go to All Playlists in the side menu and move your created playlist to the top of the list so it shows as the most recent on the website.
  6. Next time you create a new sermon you can select the playlist from the sermon details page and it will be added.