
Reservation & Check-In Maintenance

Last Updated: April 12, 2021

Permission level: Staff

Table of Contents

Renew reservation events for next service date

Video Walkthrough

Written Instructions

Duplicate Events & Set Visibility

  1. Open one of the previous events, navigate to the Settings tab, then click on Duplicate
  2. image
  3. Change the date and time both in the Name field, and in the Date and Time fields and click Create
  4. Go to the Settings tab of the new event and change Visibility on Church Center to Published. This will make the event visible in the Church Center app.
  5. Go to General Settings on the left and set the Registration Status to Closed and check off Open automatically setting the date and time that it should open (e.g., the Wednesday before at 9am)
  6. Repeat steps 1 - 4 for the other service time.

Archive Past Events

  1. Archive the old events that have already passed by opening each and clicking Archive or delete... in the Settings tab (choose archive, not delete).
Check-ins does not need any actions as new events are automatically created every week. The only updates they would need is if class capacities change.

Schedule text reminders for reservations

Video Walkthrough

Written Instructions

Update Planning Center List

Who is included in the Planning Center List
Be sure to duplicate the events in PC Registrations before beginning this process.
  1. Go to the list in Planning Center (currently named Registration contacts of kids with reserved spots for next Sunday)
  2. Go to the Rules tab and update the event and then the Attendee Type.
  3. Unfortunately, the Attendee Type gets reset when you change the event. No way around it. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    The result should be two Rules each with one condition for each class that selects Registration contact for > a specific event > Sunday Kid's Ministry [data/time] > with an attendee type of > [class name] > include only active attendees.

    It should look like this:

  4. There is a separate Rule for each service, be sure to do the same for both.
  5. Hit Submit and you'll get the list. It may not have any entries if there are no reservations yet, that is ok.

Create & Schedule Message

  1. Log in at app.clearstream.io/login
  2. Click Messages from the left-hand menu, then click the Create Message button
  3. image
  4. Set your header (optional) and add your message. Watch the character counter and try to keep your message under 160.
  5. 💬
    Template message: Reminder - You reserved a spot in Kids Min for your kid(s) this Sunday. To cancel, follow the link at the bottom of your confirmation email. Thanks!
  6. From the Recipients dropdown, choose the list called Registration contacts of kids with reserved spots for next Sunday
  7. Choose Send Now or choose Schedule for later and set your date/time.
  8. image
  9. Finally, click Preview Message to do a final check, then hit the Schedule/Send button
A note on list refresh delays...