
Growth Track

Last Updated: February 13, 2022

Permission level: Staff

Table of Contents

Invite lists







stepFOUR & Expo


Keeping Attendance

The GT host should encourage everyone in attendance to check-in on the iPad as the enter.

The check-in event captures what date they're checking in, but Check-ins doesn’t know what session it is (stepONE, TWO, etc.) so it can't auto-update their GT profile fields.

When someone checks-in at a GT session, they are automatically added to a Workflow in PCO the next day called 'Set GT Attendance'.

During the week, someone should open the Workflow, select all people, and perform a bulk action to update the GT field in their profile with Sunday’s date for whichever GT session was held the previous Sunday. Complete all people in Workflow when finished.

If this is let go over multiple weeks of GT sessions, then you'll have to sort out who attended which sessions. But if you can take a couple minutes to do it every week there's a GT, it'll be quick and easy.

If this isn’t done, we will not have accurate GT data and new attendees will not be added to existing lists, such as the invite lists.